Articles in Dictionaires and Encyclopedias 
Articles in Dictionaires and Encyclopedias 
The Encyclopedia Archive is a listing of all entry articles written by Fellows, Scholars, and historically relevant authors that appear in Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Handbooks, and similar reference books. The purpose of the archive is to alert scholars and researchers (especially graduate students) to concise summary explications of key topics which indicate fundamental contributions to the study of Communicology. Authors are listed in alphabetical order; their Articles are in chronological order of publication.
Updates and Suggested Contributions should be sent to rlanigan@mac.com
BATESON, Gregory.
1971. “Communication” in Interaction and Identity (Information and Behavior, Vol. 5), ed. Harmut B. Mokros (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1995), pages 45-70. Publication of “Chapter 1: Communication” in Norman A. McQuown (Ed.), The Natural History of an Interview, pages 1-40 (Microfilm Collection on Cultural Anthropology, 15th Series; Chicago: University of Chicago, Joseph Regenstein Library, Department of Photoduplications). Translations: (1) “Commication” in Y. Winkin (Ed.), La nouvelle communication (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1981), pages 116-144; (2) “Comunicación”in Norman A. McQuown (Ed.), El Microanalisis de entrevistas: Los Methodos de laHistoria Natural Aplicados a la investigacion de la sociedad, de la cultura y de la personalidad (Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Automa de Mexico, 1983), pp. 69-95.
BATESON, Gregory, and RUESCH, Jürgen. [See Ruesch Below]
1951. "Individual, Group, and Culture: A Review of the Theory of Human Communication" in Communication: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry (New York and London: W. W. Norton & Co.), Chapter 11, pp.273-289; Model: The Levels of Communication, p. 275; Table D: The Specification of Networks at the Four Levels of Communication, p. 277. Reprint editions: Norton 1968, 1987; Transaction Publishers, 2006 [ISBN 1412806143]. French translation: Communication et société (Paris: Seuil, 1996).
2007. “Communication: Definitions and Concepts” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association),
2007. “Culture: Definitions and Concepts” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association),
2007. “Discourse” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association),
2007. “Genre” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association),
CONNOLLY, Maureen.
1997. “Dance” in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology (Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 18), general editor, Lester Embree (Boston; Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 129-133. [Co-Author: Elizabeth A. Behnke]
1997. “Physical Education” in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology (Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 18), general editor, Lester Embree (Boston; Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 535-537.
2001. "Female Embodiment and Clinical Practice" in Phenomenology and Medicine: Handbooks in the Philosophy of Medicine, ed. S. Kay Toombs (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 177-196.
HONG, Wang.
2005. “Marriage and Divorce” in Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Civilization 1949-Present, ed. Luo, Jing (London: Greenwood Press.), pp. 381-384.
2005. “Social Strata” in Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Civilization 1949-Present, ed. Luo, Jing (London: Greenwood Press.), pp. 573-376.
JAKOBSON, Roman Osipovîch.
1960. “Linguistics and Communication Theory” in Selected Writings, Vol. II., pp. 570-579.
1960. “Linguistics and Poetics” in Selected Writings, Vol. III., pp. 18-51. [The final version of the famous Communication Theory text and diagram].
1967. “Linguistics in Relation to Other Sciences” in Selected Writings, Vol. II., pp. 655-696.
1968. “Linguistics in Relation to Other Communication Systems” in Selected Writings, Vol. II., pp. 697-708.
1962-2002. Selected Writings (9 Vols.). Vol. 1, Phonological Studies, 1962, 2nd ed,1971, 3rd ed. 2002; Vol. 2, Word and Language, 1971; Vol. 3, Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry, ed. Stephen Rudy, 1981; Vol. 4, Slavic Epic Studies, 1966; Vol. 5, On Verse, Its Masters and Explorers, ed. Stephen Rudy and Martha Taylor,1979; Vol. 6, Early Slavic Paths and Crossroads: Part 1 and Part 2, ed. Stephen Rudy, 1985: Vol. 7, Contributions to Comparative Mythology; Studies in Linguistics and Philology, 1972-1982, ed. Stephen Rudy, 1985; Vol. 8, Completion Volume One: Major Works, 1976-1980, ed. Stephen Rudy, 1988; Vol. 9, A Complete Bibliography of his Writings, compiled and ed. by Stephen Rudy, 1990. (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter). Unless noted, volumes were edited by Jakobson.
1972. “Verbal Communication” in Communication (A Scientific American Book), ed. Dennis Flanagan, et al. (San Francisco, CA: W. H. Freeman and Co.), pp. 37-44. [First published in the September 1972 issue of Scientific American.]
JENSEN, Klaus Bruhn.
2007. “Communication Theory and Philosophy” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp. [Overview entry by the Area Topic Editor: K. B. Jensen}.
2007. “Deduction vs. Induction vs. Abduction” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
2007. “Intermediality” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
2007. “Meaning” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
2007. “Media” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
2007. “Modaility and Multimodality” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
2007. “Realism” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
2007. “Structuralism” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
2007. “Text and Intertextuality” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
LANIGAN, Richard L.
1974. "The Phenomenological Foundations of Semiology" in A Semiotic Landscape [IASS Congress 1974], ed. Seymour Chatman, Umberto Eco, and Jean-marie Klinkenberg (The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1979), pp. 304-308.
1978. "Contemporary Philosophy of Communication", The Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol. 64, pp. 335-360.
1979. “Communication Models in Philosophy: Review and Commentary” in ICA Communication Yearbook 3, ed. Dan Nimmo (New Brunswick, NJ: International Communication Association; Transaction Books, 1979), pp. 29-49.
1981. “A Critical Theory Approach” in The Handbook of Political Communication, ed. Dan Nimmo and Keith Sanders (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications), pp. 141-167.
1986a. “Maurice Merleau-Ponty” in Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, 3 vols., ed. Thomas A. Sebeok (Berlin and Hawthorne, NY: Mouton de Gruyter), Vol. 1, pp. 527-528.
1986b. “Phenomenology” in Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, 3 vols., ed. Thomas A. Sebeok (Berlin and Hawthorne, NY: Mouton de Gruyter), Vol. 2, pp. 695-701.
1988. "Communication Science and Merleau-Ponty’s Critique of the Onjectivist Illusion" in Horizons of Continental Philosophy: Essays on Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty, ed. Hugh Silverman, Algis Mickunas, Theodore Kisiel, and Alphonso Lingis (Martinus Nijhoiff Philosophy Library Vol. 30; Boston, MA: Martinus Nijhoff), pp. 205-226.
1994. “Thomas Albert Sebeok” in The International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Editor-in-Chief R. E. Asher (Oxford: Pergamon Press), Vol. 7, pp. 3710-3711.
1995a. “A Good Rhetoric Is Possible: Ricoeur’s Philosophy of Language as a Phenomenology of Discourse in the Human Sciences” in Paul Ricoeur (The Library of Living Philosophers: Vol. XXII), ed. Lewis Edwin Hahn (Peru, IL: The Open Court Publishing Co.), pp. 309-326; A reply by Ricoeur occurs on pp. 327-329.
1995b. "From Enthymeme to Abduction: The Classical Law of Logic and the Postmodern Rule of Rhetoric" in Recovering Pragmaticism’s Voice: The Classical Tradition, Rorty, and the Philosophy of Communication, ed. Lenore Langsdorf and Andrew R. Smith (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press), pp. 49-70, 278-283.
1996. “Phenomenology” in Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication from Ancient Times to the Information Age, ed. Theresa Enos (New York: Garland Publishing Co.), pp. 512-513.
1997a. “Communicology” in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology (Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 18), general editor, Lester Embree (Boston, Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 104-110.
1997b. “Structuralism” in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology (Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 18), general editor, Lester Embree (Boston; Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 683-689.
1997c. "Television: The semiotic Phenomenology of Communication and the Image" in Semiotics of the Media: State of the Art, Projects, and Perspectives, ed. Winfried Noth (Approach to Semiotics No. 127; New York and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter), pp. 381-391.
2001. “Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914)” in Encyclopedia of Communication and Information, ed. Jorge Reina Schement (New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2001), vol. 3, pp. 705-707.
2007a. “Communicology” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), vol. 3, pp. 855-857.
2007b. “Phenomenology” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), vol. 8, pp. 3595-3597.
2007c. "Communicology: The French Tradition in Human Science" in Perspectives on the Philosophy of Communication, ed. Pat Arneson (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press), pp. 168-184.
2007d. "The Phenomenology of Embodiment in Communicology" in Phenomenology 2005: Vol. V, Selected essays from North America, Parts I and II, 5 vols. ed. Lester Embree and Thomas Nenon (Bucharest, Romania: Zeta Book), Vol. 5, Part 2, Chapter 15, pp. 371-398.
MARCUS, Solomon.
1974. "Fifty-Two Oppositions between Scientific and Poetic Communication" in Colin Cherry (ed.), Pragmatics of Human Communication (Dordrecht: D. Reidel), pp. 83-96.
1974. "Semiotics of Scientific Languages" in A Semiotic Landscape [IASS Congress 1974], ed. Seymour Chatman, Umberto Eco, and Jean-marie Klinkenberg (The Hague: Mouton Publishers, 1979), pp. 29-40.
1997. “Emotion” in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology (Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 18), general editor, Lester Embree (Boston; Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 171-176.
1997. “Marxism” in Encyclopedia of Phenomenology (Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 18), general editor, Lester Embree (Boston; Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 435-439.
MORRIS, Charles W.
1938. “Foundations of the Theory of Signs” in International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, ed. Otto Neurath, Rudolf Carnap, and Charles W. Morris (Foundations of the Unity of Science, Vols. 1 and 2), Chicago: The University of Chicago Press), Vol. 1, Number 2. Reprinted in Charles Morris, Writings on the General Theory of Signs (Approaches to Semiotics, Vol. 16), (The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1971), pp. 13-71.
NEIVA, Eduaro.
2007. “Perspective, Pictorial” in International Encyclopedia of Communication (10 Vols.), ed. Wolfgang Donsbach (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Co.; International Communication Association), pp.
POSNER, Roland, Klaus ROBERING, and Thomas A. SEBEOK.
1997. Semiotik: Ein Handbuck zu den zeichentheoretischen Grundlagen von Natur und Kultur/Semiotics: A Handbook on the Sign-Theoretic Foiundations of Nature and Culture, 4 Vols. (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter). [Enrtries are variously in German and English with translated titles in the second language].
Roland Posner and Klaus Robering, “Syntactics”, Vol. 1, pp. 14-83.
Klaus Robering, “Semantik (Semantics)”, Vol. 1, pp. 83-219.
Roland Posner, “Pragmatics”, Vol. 1, pp. 219-246.
Martin Krampen, “Models of Semiosis”, Vol. 1, pp. 247-287.
Riccardo Luccio, “Body Behavior as Multichannel Semiosis”, Vol. 1, pp. 345-356.
Terry Threadgold, “Social Media of Semiosis”, Vol. 1, pp. 384-404.
Gavin T. Watt and William C. Watt, “Codes”, Vol. 1, pp. 404-414.
Thomas a. Sebeok, “The Evolution of Semiosis”, Vol. 1, pp. 436-446.
Umberto Eco, “History and Historiogrpahy of Semiotics”, Vol. 1, pp. 730-746.
Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos, “Sign Conceptions in Architecture and the fine Artd in Ancient Greece and Rome”, Vol. 1, pp. 900-911.
Winfried Nöth, “Zeichenkonzeption im Alltagsleben vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Sign Conceptions in Everyday Life from the 19th Century to the Present)”, Vol. 2, pp. 1761-1784.
You-Zheng Li, “Sign Conceptions in China”, Vol. 2, pp. 1856-1881.
Sandra B. Rosenthal, “Phenomenological Semiotics”, Vol. 2, pp. 2096-2112.
Heinz Paetzold, “Cassirer und seine Nachfolger (Cassirer and His Followers)”, Vol. 2, pp. 2191-2198.
Robert E. Innis, “Bühler and His Follwers”, Vol. 2, pp. 2198-2204.
Linda R. Waugh and Stephen Rudy, “Jakobson and Structuralism”, Vol. 2, pp. 2256-2272.
Jøgen Dines Johansen, “Hjelmslev and Glossematics”, Vol. 2, pp. 2272-2289.
Giampolo Proni, “The Position of Eco”, Vol. 2, pp. 2311-2320.
Roland Posner, “The Relationship between Individual Disciplines and Interdisciplinary Approaches”, Vol. 3, pp. 2341-2374.
Roland Posner, “The Semiotic Reconstruction of Individual Disciplines”, Vol. 3, pp. 2562-2569.
John A. Michon, Janet L. Jackson, and René J. Jorna, “Semiotic Aspects of Psychology: Psycosemiotics”, Vol. 3, pp. 2722-2758.
Mauro Wolf, “Semiotic Aspects of Mass Media Studies: Media Semiotics”, Vol. 3, pp. 2926-2936.
Donald J. Cunningham, “Semiotic Aspects of Pedagogy”, vol. 3, pp. 3296-3310.
Paul Bouissac, “Interspecific Communication”, Vol. 4, pp. 3391-3396.
Augusto Ponzio, “Ideology”, Vol. 4, pp. 3436-3447.
Umberto Eco, “Fakes in Arts and Crafts”, Vol. 4, pp. 3571-3580.
Richard Berendzen and Bernard M. Oliver, “Extraterrestial Communication”, Vol. 4, pp. 3634-3643.
Gloria Withalm, “Semiotic Organizations”, Vol. 4, pp. 3644-3692. [International Communicology Institute, page 3689].
Gloria Withalm, “Semiotic Reference Works and Periodicals”, Vol. 4, pp. 3692-3726.
RUESCH, Jürgen.
1953. “Synopsis of the Theory of Human Ciommunication”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 47-94.
1955. “Nonverbal Language and Therapy”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 727-738.
1957. “Principles of Human Ciommunication”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 125-137.
1960. “Mass Communication and Mass Motivation”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 345-353.
1967. “Technology and Social Ciommunication”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 260-276.
1967. “The Social Control of Symbolic Systems”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 277-300.
1969. “Action Models”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 393-412.
1969. “A General Systems Theory Based on Human Ciommunication”, page references are to the 1972 reprint edition, pp. 450-465.
1972. Semiotic Approaches to Human Relations (Approaches to Semiotics, Vol. 25), (The Hague and Paris: Mouton). [Reprint edition of Ruesch’s collected articles and books in one volume; original sources are given on pp. 8-10].
SAPIR, Edward.
1931. “Communication” in Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (New York: Macmillan,), pp. 78-81. Reprinted in Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality, ed. David G. Mandelbaum (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1949), pp. 104-109.
1933. “Symbolism” in The Psychology of Culture: A Course of Lectures, reconstructed and edited by Judith T. Irvine. (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2002), pp. 219-238.