Building a Global Think Tank for Communicology
What is ICI Membership?
Building a Global Think Tank for Communicology
What is ICI Membership?
The ICI is an independent, non-partisan academic "think tank" consortium of scholars and professional practitioners of Communicology. We do basic research on human communication behavior. We do not engage in policy development or adcovacy. Consortium activities are (1) internet based and (2) conference venue based. Many research projects are bi-national or regional efforts by RESEARCH GROUPS Affiliated with ICI. Fellows and Scholars of ICI represent many of the world’s leading universities and research institutes. The ICI has accreditations and certified affiliations (see the ICI Home Page) from relevant international organizations. Many of the ICI Fellows hold the academic designation of "Fellow", "Distinguished Scholar", or a Named Endowed Chair at their home university or a similar designation in other national and international organizations. Many Fellows also hold positions in the National Research Academies of their home country. Some Fellows are not academics, but world class professionals (e.g., law, rehabilitation, therapy) and scientific practitioners (e.g., forensic science, design, photography). Communicologists are typically interdisciplinary and problem focused in their research, teaching, and service with a deep appreciation for international and intercultural understanding.
What is the Research?
Scientific research by Communicologists refines the use of Qualitative Methodologies by using LOGIC as a normative basis for reliability (necessary condition) and validity (sufficient condition) for evaluative judgments of discourse and comportment evidence. The evidentiary categories of Capta (what is taken by perception), Data (what is given by expression), and Acta (what is comported in behavioral action) form the basis of the Logic of Typification (Type → Token → Tone) formulated by Charles Sanders Peirce (2.619-644) in which the Aristotelian applications of Abduction [Rule + Result = Case/particular token; a posteriori] and Adduction [Rule + Result = Case/universal type; a priori] contextualize Induction [Case + Result = Rule] and Deduction [Rule + Case = Result]. This methodology is named "semiotic phenomenology" by both C. S. Peirce and Maurice Merleau-Ponty who stress the use of Abduction in Human Science. Communication Theory and Models are detailed on the DEFINITION page.
The Institute reserves to itself the membership process of nominating and electing Fellows and Scholars from the international community of Professional Practioners, Researchers, and Teachers whose research, teaching, and professional service make a substantive contribution to advancing the Discipline of Communicology as a human science. Because nominations are based solely on international level peer recognition of scholarly and professional merit, self-nominations are not accepted. There are no possibilities for membership by subscription.
Laureate Fellow
The International Communicology Institute has grown substantially since its founding in 2000. The Collegium of Fellows, as may be expected, has members who continue to make major contributions in scholarship and mentoring leadership at the international level of accomplishment. At the request of the Institute Director, the Collegium of Fellows appointed a Collegium Magisterium of Fellows. The duty of the Magisterium is to select and appoint, from time to time as appropriate, previously elected Fellows, whose career achievements in research, teaching, and publication are exemplary and noteworthy, to the the highest rank of the Institute now titled Collegium Scholasticum Laureatum, that is, Laureate Fellow. The award is recognized by issuing of a Certificate of Appointment under signature and seal together with a logo pin embellishment of the Fellows Medal. The initial appointment of Laureate Fellows was made in 2017. In general, one or two persons are selected each year.
are typically persons with senior standing in the various academic and professional disciplines. In general, they have a sustained program of research accomplishment communicated to the international community by professional presentation and publication. They typically hold a distinguished professor rank, endowed chair, or named professorship an internationally ranked university, research institute, or national academy. Many hold distinguished national or international Fellowships, such as Fulbright Fellow.
are typically persons with junior to mid-career status in their chosen career field. In general, they have a doctoral degree and a beginning record of international level research presentation and publication. They typically hold a tenured position or habilitation at a ranked university or research academy.
Membership in the Institute is by definition an international peer certification of the person’s expertise in a given area of, or research domain in, the disicipline of Communicology. Members are committed to collaborative research and publication to advance the development of Communicology as a foundational discipline in the Human Sciences. There is no category for public membership or other affliation.
Fellows of the Institute nominate a person for consideration as a Fellow or Scholar by letter (including a curriculum vitae) to the ICI Director. After an initial certification of basic qualification, the Director presents the nomination for election (1) by majority vote under the authority of Collegium of Fellows established in 2000 at the inaugural conference at Southern Illinois University, and/or (2) by authority of a majority of those Fellows in attendance at the next biennial Collegium of Fellows Summer Seminar and Scholar’s Professional Development Conference, and/or (3) by authority of the ICI Director acting de jure et de aequitate for the Collegium of Fellows in absentia congregatio at Washington, DC, USA.
Fellows Fund Grant Program
The FFG is a research presentation funding resource available exclusively to ICI Fellows and Scholars who are active conference program initiators and participants. Grants are made by the ICI Director in consultation with the ICI Bureau of Regional-Continental Coordinators. Each grant provides one time partial funding for travel, lodging, or conference registration fees. Grants made to Fellows and Scholars are certified by letter, however payment is made directly to the conference organization hosting the venue. There is no restriction on the amount of grants, but they seldom exceed US $1000. The FFG Program is underwritten by Communicology.org revenues, ICI publication royalities, and the generous contributions made by private, corporate, and NGO donors. Interested donors should contact the ICI Director. For significant coroporate or institutional contributions, designated grant branding/naming may be arranged.